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Biomass specialists, providing biomass boilers and energy systems for a more sustainable, greener and more profitable future..  



Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI)

At the end of November 2011 the Government launched the Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) to encourage businesses to convert their heating systems from fossil fuels to biomass. The scheme is operated by Ofgem and rewards the owners of biomass heating systems for all of the heat and hot water generated. The tariff is linked to the Retail Price Index (RPI) and is payable for 20 years from the date of accreditation by Ofgem. Further information is available from the Department of Energy & Climate Change web site.

Accreditation to the scheme follows a comprehensive application procedure by the registered owner of the equipment. AFS Biomass will assist with the application to ensure that all the requirements are met in full.

The Renewable Heat Incentive offers a guaranteed income for all of the heat and hot water generated by the biomass heating system which will be metered accordingly. AFS Biomass has relationships with nationwide suppliers of biomass fuels acceptable to the scheme.

Reliability is paramount to ensure best returns from the RHI scheme. To that end AFS Biomass has forged partnerships with a number of biomass boiler manufacturers which offer the most technologically advanced systems available in the market. Top quality equipment coupled with the generous RHI scheme will ensure maximum gains for any investment in biomass technology.

The AFS "Free to End User" model is also available for businesses and institutions that want to benefit from the fuel savings that a biomass system can produce, yet are not in a position to finance the installation. A tailor made solution which covers the full cost of the installation can be arranged whereby the end user will benefit from fuel savings and a greatly enhanced public profile as an eco-concious concern, whilst AFS will retain the RHI payments. At the end of the term the ownership of the biomass heating system will be transferred to the business or institution.

For more details about the Renewable Heat Incentive and our "Free to End User" model, please contact us. 

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